Mission Statement
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Stop loading yourself with heavy school works, just join REFRESH and find a friend/tutor who can help you out.
For us, this program is the realization that we can improve ourselves while helping others. There are so many things to be changed out there in the world, so many worthy causes to dedicate ourselves to, and so many people that await our services. We've decided to initiate change by starting a peer tutoring program in our own community. This peer tutoring program is more of a learning center than anything else; a positive academic environment where students can review and learn new material or entire subjects together. We hope that this program of the students, by the students, and for all the students out there can truly make an impact on the way we learn.
So why peer tutoring?
Simply because students are more likely to turn other students for help, because teenagers share a way of looking at the learning material from a perspective different than adults, and because people should help each other whenever they could.
-Cristina Shu & Lydia Chen-
Meet Our Tutors
Lucy Xie
11th Grade
Charlie Li
11th Grade
Julia Kim
Lydia Chen
11th Grade
Cristina Shu
10th Grade
Peter Deng
11th Grade
James Song
10th Grade
9th Grade
9th Grade
Mission Statement
stop loading, hit refresh
Stop loading yourself with heavy school works, just join REFRESH and find a friend/tutor who can help you out.
For us, this program is the realization that we can improve ourselves while helping others. We've decided to initiate change by starting a peer tutoring program in our own community. This peer tutoring program is more of a learning center than anything else; a positive academic environment where students can review and learn new material or entire subjects together.
So why peer tutoring?
Simply because students are more likely to turn other students for help, because teenagers share a way of looking at the learning material from a perspective different than adults, and because people should help each other whenever they could.
-Cristina Shu & Lydia Chen-
Meet Our Tutors
Lucy Xie
12th Grade
Charlie Li
12th Grade
Lydia Chen
12th Grade
Ivan Sun
11th Grade
Peter Deng
12th Grade
Cristina Shu
11th Grade
Tommy Xu
10th Grade